Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cascade Ice - Orange

We've been getting a lot of hits lately on searches for Cascade Ice (website still says coming soon), and I have never had a reply to my emails asking for information, so I'm curious why they don't seem to be interested in getting broader exposure since their Ice Water drinks seem to be rather popular. In any case, I'll just quite my griping and do the review.

Smells like orange Otter-Pops. Tastes much better, pulpy and sweet, very orange. Doesn't quite taste completely natural, I'm wondering how they get that 'orange essence.' Still says organic, and there is absolutely no chemical aftertaste, so I will take their word that it is all natural. Loaded with vitamins, like all the others.

I say stick this in your kid's face instead of Sunny D, it tastes better and it isn't naturally infused with chemicals and HFCS. And it's refreshing, just like the bottle promises! Now if only these guys would get some serious advertising behind this product, it would fare a whole lot better against the sodas false-flavored beverages of the world.

Score: 4.5 out of 5.

-- WiseGuise

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